Thursday, February 26, 2015

What about the Kid bedrooms? Et les Chambres des enfants?

We are coming here. As the office/sunroom was the room which has needed the most preparation work, we've been focusing on it since the beginning. Last weekend we started to work on the kid bedrooms. To start? the carpet of course!

Nous y arrivons. Comme le bureau était la pièce la plus longue à préparer, nous nous sommes focalisés la dessus au démarrage. Le weekend dernier nous avons démarré une des chambres d'enfant; au programme: la moquette bien sur!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Kid Bathroom - Salle de bain des enfants

The contractor is working on that project at the same time than the master suite. The upstairs bathroom (because there is one in the basement... we'll come to that one later) was from another time, a bit small for 3 kids, definitely needing some extra closet space and yes really .... Green!!! 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Sanding, Patching ... Ponçage, Rebouchage...

We are, for our part, working on the office, again. On the menu of the last 2 weekends: hole patching and cracking repair and furthermore sanding; our new toy: power sanding machine! a first! finally a bit loud but not so difficult to use! and finally, after 2 weekends and 3 vacuum sacks full of dust, the room is ready for the paint! yes finally!

De notre coté on continue a préparer le bureau à la peinture. Au programme, rebouchage des fissures et des trous mais surtout ponçage; on s'essaye à la ponceuse électrique, instrument très magniable quoique un peu bruyant ! petit a petit ca prend forme! Après 2 weekends, 3 aspirateurs remplis de poussière, la pièce est prete pour la peinture! je n'ose dire enfin!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Master Suite - Suite Parentale

One of the biggest change we are doing, is to add another bathroom on the 2nd floor; after 4 years of using 1 bathroom for 5 person, we can't do it anymore; The master suite is not super common in old houses but it's really something which add value to a house. We are for that project again, working with a contractor.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

While in the Kitchen - Pendant ce temps là dans la cuisine

For this big project we are working with a contractor and a designer; we've been working on the sketches for the past month. The plan is to open the kitchen to create an open dinning area with a island which can be used as a breakfast area. 

Pour ce gros projet nous avons fait appel à un artisan et un cuisiniste avec qui nous travaillons depuis 1 mois sur le plan. L'objectif est ici d'ouvrir la cuisine et de faire un espace cuisine/salle à manger ouvert avec un ilot central servant de plan de travail et de table à manger.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Office part 1- Bureau 1ère partie

We have to start with one room, the sunroom/office it will be. Why? Because it maybe the one which needs the most work. The target is to transform this dusty, dark sunroom into an office/media room. 

Nous devons commencer par quelque part: ce sera donc la veranda/bureau. Pourquoi? Et bien parce que c'est la pièce qui demande le plus de travaux je pense. L'objectif est de transformer cette poussiérieuse, sombre véranda (ancien porche, fermé) en bureau/salle mutimedia!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Starting point - Point de départ

Front View/Vue de Devant
Here we are; this is it; this is the one! When we first visited the house, back in October 2014, we were both excited and disappointed! Wonderful spot in the city, right in our neighborhood that we love, wonderful yard (mostly front and side), then we pushed the door! A lot to do to bring this wonderful old house in 2015! Mostly cosmetic but still a lot to do!